I have produced various videos during my classes and gained initial experience creating professional video content for companies. ‘Take-Off’ is my most recent individual production, created as part of my Visual Storytelling class.
During my 3rd semester, one of our final projects was to produce a pilot episode for a potential series. SODOM delves into the dark underworld of a cult, exploring its members' traumas and grotesque obsessions through raw, ritualistic ceremonies. Elaine, the enigmatic leader, lures her rapist Hunter into the cult as part of her ultimate plan of revenge. Through a twisted ritual of intimacy, desire, and control, Elaine defies the cult's cycle by turning the final act on herself, unraveling the dynamics of power and trauma at the heart of Sodom. Together with 7 more of my classmates, we created this pilot from scratch. Coming up with an elevator pitch, to writing the script and storyboard to filming and producing, everything was in our responsibility.